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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lesson 1 - Creators of the Constitution

Let's begin with Daniel Webster.

Why?  Well if logic prevails, the Constitution needed to be written in a way that could leave no doubt what the creators intended it to mean.  Words are powerful and they are often subject of many meanings, therefore it was most important that they chose their words wisely to convey their actual intent.

Who exactly was Daniel Webster? I won't bore you with details but you need to do a little homework, after all nothing worth anything comes for free... and yes, I want you to think because if I wanted you to be mindless sheep, then where would that get us all? Right? SO... begin to think and question everything!

This is Daniel Webster... the photo is from Wikipedia's site, to read about him click here!

File:DanielWebster ca1847 Whipple 2403624668-crop.jpg

Language according to Webster's Dictionary is "Speech or writing; any means of communicating."

So, given that... what did he mean by communicating?  "to transmit; give or exchange (information); message"

What "Messages" were the founders of the constitution giving us?

This blog is going to be an unfolding of information, it won't be a "quick pill" you take to get it all in one shot. If it's worth knowing, it's worth taking the time to learn about.

Let's start with some of Daniel Websters thoughts... as repeated from the pocket version of "The Constitution of the United States"  published by National Center for Constitutional Studies 2009/2010 (I bought my copies on eBay for about $3 bucks a piece, free shipping!)

Daniel Webster said:

"I regard it [the Constitution] as the work of the purest patriots and wisest statesmen that ever existed, aided by the smiles of a benignant [gracious] Providence...it almost appears a Divine interposition in our behalf...."

In another piece he wrote:

"...I am committed against every thing which, in my judgment, may weaken, endanger, or destroy  [the Constitution] ... and especially against all extension of Executive power;  and I am committed against any attempt to rule the free people of this country by the power and the patronage of the Government itself..."

     Think about that last sentence... what do you believe he was saying, how does this make you feel?  In today's time, do you see where there is any case of an "attempt to rule the free people of this country by the power and the patronage of the Government itself?"  If so, what should be done about it?  What steps can we "the people" take to change the tide?

Here's one more thing Webster said:

"It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions.  There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern.  They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."

     What do you think Daniel meant by that?  What do you see happening, now in your lifetime that speaks to what Daniel was referring to?  How does that make you feel?  Are you awake? Are you keeping your ear to the rails of the track, can you hear the train coming?

     This is enough to digest in one night or day... but begin to think, separate yourself from the herd, for the moment... don't follow along blindly... for whatever your reason might be, take a moment to really digest what Daniel Webster was saying.

Next... we'll learn about what Thomas Jefferson had to say about the Constitution and his belief of what it was all about.

Till then...

We ARE "The People"

Before everyone goes off the deep end... let's remember just what it is we're attempting to achieve now and for the future generations.  Together as citizens of America, WE ARE THE PEOPLE.
This great country was founded by men and yes... women, who through personal sacrifice of their wealth, self-interest and literally putting themselves in jeopardy of being hung for treason, put forth the foundation of what brought us all to where we are today. 
  • It isn't "us" against "them" or "blue against red" nor "young against old".  We all desperately need to get this country back on track and we need to do it by the power of a well-informed vote.
  • We need to have a way of monitoring, to make sure that sacred process is protected from fraud.
  • It's time that we all become acutely informed... whether it's regarding what laws are being passed that allows city officials to give themselves obscene raises... or to hold the registrar of voters responsible for protecting our due right in the booth... and when any elected official doesn't do their job, we make it abundantly clear we'll vote them out and put someone in who will and can act in the best interests of " the will of the people." 
  • But most importantly of all... we need to understand just what it is that we should be willing to lay it all on the line for.
I'm starting this blog to inform. To enlighten and to encourage those who want to know more about why the Constitution is so critical, and for those who are looking for a better life here in America. It's going to serve as a reminder of all that was hoped for us, by the founding fathers of our nation.

I ask only that here in this blog we declare a place of peace, we suspend the hate and the division and put an end to the party line mentality that is running rampant throughout our nation.  That is what will divert us from the very goals we should focus upon while seeking healthy and proactive change.  It isn't important if you're an Independent, or a Democrat or Republican... what IS important is that you have a clear vision of what we as a nation should try to achieve.

Till next time,